Sunday 29 September 2013

Have a break, kit-cut?! - ちょっこり一息、よもやまコーナー

Today I just feel like introducing stuffs in a daily life.
Part1: Green Tea Package
We don't often see this kind of package.
Corner is round. Yes. It's for safety reason.
It protects fingers & hands from scratching
 by the edge.  First I took a look at it,
I thought of a person who designed this.
思いついた人ってどんな人なんだろうっ? でした。
Part2: Sewing kit at a hotel
This is what I got from a hotel in Alberta, Canada.
I personally like this sort of kit
because it's handy.  I was glad "Ow!" to see this:)
Part3: Recycling zip bag for traveling.
What do you think is this?
This is a case you see when you buy a bed sheets set.
Just perfect size, color and material for putting a travel kits.
Whenever I see a package or case,
I feel like thinking "Oh this will fit in this or that":)
Habit doesn't change so much.
Part4: "Ooops" It happened
when scooping ice scream this summer.
I have no idea why this happened.
Too much concentrated on reaching ice cream, or
spoon was just getting weak. A little funny:)

Thursday 26 September 2013

Air Canada Online Purchasing Ticket - エアカナダ オンライン購入チケット

"Click!" "Ok! It's Done." "Ready to go!"
I who is quite primitive sometimes:) would like to say "How civilized the world become."  Today I had a "O!? What's that?" experience. That is...
"Hold" button.


What the "Hold" button is...

このボタンは一体なんぞや?  という訳ですが、それはこちら。

Freedom that enables us to play and visualize your schedule in about 1 day while booking are done. When the time is up, it's up to us whether we are ready to go for purchasing or just let it go.  This would be convenient for example
  • ...when "Ok! It's done purchased." "Oops I hit the wrong button."
  • ...when "Ok! It's done purchased." Suddenly "Trrrrr.." "Can you come back to work on this day?" "Oh my god. I have to come back earlier for sudden schedule change of work."
  • ...when handling a group of travellers or planning a complex of schedules.
  • ...When a person simply likes to plan spontaneously.
約1日程の仮予約期間を戴けます。何をするのかな? 「ああした方がいいなぁ、こうかなぁ」等の遊びの時間を戴けます。そんな事にしなくても「もう決定」と言う方は、さっさと購入しましょうね。結構、便利なボタンだと思いました。例えば、こんな時に。。。
  • 「よっしゃ!チケットも購入」「おっと、帰りの日にち間違えて押してしまってる。」
  • 「よっしゃ!チケットも購入」突然仕事場から電話。「この日に仕事にどうしても来てほしいんだが。。」「あ~あ、予定変更、早く帰ってこないといけないわぁ。」
  • 団体の旅行者や、込み入ったスケジュールを検討中の場合
  • 単純に、「思った日が吉日だわぁ。」といった、風来坊や気まぐれの旅行者の場合
This is just my understanding. If you have any other opinion, advise me please.  Thank you :)
P.S. I'm standing this time as a traveler.

私なりに解釈したので、「ちょっと違うんじゃないの?!」というお声があれば、教えてくだされ。よろしくです:) ちなみに今回は旅行者の立場にたってコメントしています。

Friday 20 September 2013

Canadian citizen applying for Canadian Passport

"Guarantor?"...  According to a dictionary "a person who makes or gives a guarantee"...

I who hold Japanese passport with Canadian Permanent residence was supposed to shut up my mouth for a while:)  And yet I had a chance to read "Canadian Citizen's newly application for Canadian passport" on Canada government website.

First thing in the morning ... what Guarantor means...?  This is my simple wondering after I read the following sections:

(Duties of a guarantor)
Your guarantor must perform the following tasks free of charge:
1.Complete and sign the "Declaration of Guarantor" section of your application form.
2.Write, "I certify this to be a true likeness of (name of applicant or child)" on the back of one of the passport photos and sign.
3.If applicable, sign and date a copy of each document to support your identity.
The applicant must not assist the guarantor in performing his or her duties. If your guarantor requires assistance, contact Passport Canada.
  • My wondering is... to all of the above.
  • ...what if any folk of guarantor is in a long distance since an applicant moved to a new place for any reason? Inconvenient...
Eligible guarantors
(Your guarantor must)
1.Hold a 5-year or 10-year Canadian passport that is valid Footnote 2 or has been expired for no more than one year, on the day you submit your application;
2.Have known you (the applicant) personally for at least two (2) years.
In the case of a child, the guarantor must have known you (the parent or legal guardian who is applying on behalf of the child) personally for at least two (2) years and must have knowledge of the child;
3.Be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older;
4.Have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for his or her own passport;
5.Provide the requested information contained in his or her passport;
6.Be accessible to Passport Canada for verification;
7.Live in Canada, in the United States or in any of the other areas where submission of the "in Canada and in the USA" application form is authorized (Bermuda, American Samoa, the Midway Islands, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands). It is not necessary that the guarantor reside in the same country as the applicant.
  • My wondering 1.2. & 3.
  • ...What if an applicant has any folk who is not even Canadian citizen but personally have been knowing well at least two (2) years?...
(Now in the case of regular renewal application)
You may use this form to renew a regular passport only if all these conditions are met: were at least 16 years of age at the time of your previous application;
2.the name on this application form is exactly as it appears on page 2 of the submitted passport ; submit a previous Canadian passport that:is valid or expired for no more than one year ;
4.was/is valid for five (5) years ; not damaged; and was never reported lost or stolen.
  • My wondering is... to 5.
  • ...How can an applicant tell if it is damaged or seems to be? By checking the front page with bar code? or by actually officer's scanning to see if its necessary information & data available on a specific system? or otherwise officer's casual eye check?...
 With Regard,
 I'll shut up my mouth here:)

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Magical Mystery Space - マジカル謎の空間

Now you can see 4-space here.
(Click for a larger View)
Truth is only 1 space:)
Now 3D experience - XYZ:)

Truth is this picture:)


Snapshot (behind a scence) Working in Alberta - あなたの街の仕事場、アルバータ州の工場。プチ撮影1シーン

Good morning! This is the Plant in Alberta Canada.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Crossing border - 国境越え

I have been talking about travel recipe stuffs these days.  I also have been seeing so many crossing scene these couple of months.  If you say, "Crossing" "Travel", what would you imagine?


I think "Port of entry."

I myself have been through so many variety of passing points through my path from time to time.  Crossing space can be air port, sea port, land port...

Honestly each port has its own CHARACTER ...
I learned so many real stories & scenes about port of entry by myself & my friends & families.


Have you ever thought about what the role of a port of entry is?

この国境での入国って一体何だろう? って考えた事がありますか?

Yes. As most of you know, that's where inspection, check, question, declaration and all sort of stuffs are done for a person. I think it's for safety reason or due to the rule and regulation in a world. It makes a sense and of course it is must. It is true that so many criminal persons and terrorist have been circulating in a daily life in a world.  It's Ok to ask questions.  I agree with that.   Now I like to stop to say "Wait a minute?!"

「あー、パスポートチェックされて、質問をされて、検疫されて、申告をするところ」 その通り。なくてはならないシステムです。というのも、たくさんの犯罪者や、テロリストが世界中を飛び回っている昨今だから、余計に。これは、世界で当たり前に決まってる規則でありルール、そしてもちろん安全の為です。国境で質問をされるのはごく当たり前で、OKだと思います。では、ここで「ちょっと待って?!」とストップをかけたいと思います。

It is also true that so many happy individuals have been circulating in a daily life in a world.  All the artificial disaster has been swallowing up people's perception and the real image has been distorted nowadays.  Let's stand at view of a foreign traveller's point. (I would rather say more happy individuals exist in a world.)  "Point of entry is also where a traveller first meets an officer and talks face to face actually."  An officer at a port of entry could be a 1st encounter for a foreign traveller.
I think that's also where welcoming moment happens normally.   "Port of entry" is also a Face of a city & town (eventually its country) to a face of an individual (eventually one's country).  "Face to Face" moment.  If you are a happy naive traveller at a port of entry, you would like to have a comfortable moment.  What if you receive a strange question with no respect?  You would also be upset "?!  ?!  ?!" or otherwise question "?! ?!  ?!" Often time there would no chance to say to raise a question I think.  Every one has a different sense and view.  Personally I am likely to guess "Hmmm... this city has so many strange, odd or dangerous things are going on?!"

それは、こちら。。。たくさんなハッピー旅行者も世界中を飛び回っている昨今でもあると言う事。(というかテロリストの方や犯罪される方よりこっちの方が多いはずですが。)外国から全く知らない国に来た、旅行者の気分になってみましょう。国境での入国審査は、旅行者がその国に降りて最初に出会う場所、そして歓迎の場所でもあります。実は、「国境での審査官はあなたの街の顔そして、とどのつまりあなたの国の顔」です。しかも異国の地から来た旅行者達が「最初に遭遇する顔」です。国境って普通に考えると挨拶が交わされる所でもあるのではないでしょうか。平和な昔は、きっとそのはずだったと思います。いつの間にか、テロ、戦争、犯罪で社会がゆがんでいってしまったのではないでしょうか。普通に、旅行中であれば国境でももちろん快適な(もしくは人として普通の)経験をしたいものです。最初に降りた異国の地で、「えっ?!」というような態度で、「えっ?!」というような視線で、「えっ!?」というような質問をされたらどうでしょう? やっぱり、答えるのに「えっ!?」となるのでは。旅行者でなくても、普通の人であれば、「えっ?!」となるのでは。皆さんなりの感覚や見方があると思いますが。私は、個人的にはあまり変な質問をされると、「もしかして。。。この街、都市ってそんな変な、危ない事がよく起こってるのかなぁ?!」なんて思ってしまいます。

The bottom line: "You are just a folk." "I am just a folk." "We are just folks."

Port of entry is:
  • "not a space where an officer is trying to find a criminal folk (who is also originally a folk, I  think.  Something & some situations makes one lose themselves unfortunately.)."
  • "not a space where an officer is trying to throw a word to rock a folk."
  • "but a space where each folk exchange conversations."
Now I remember I have written a word "Folk" last year. I just happen to have a chance to use this word again in a different way.  2nd time...This is very important point.  After all, I came up with the conclusion.

  • "At the port of entry, each folk needs to have an good eye as a folk with respect.  This is part of tourism as well I think."

Any disrespection would eventually lead to a bad image of a country.  Any country is hoping a happy image for its country, isn't it? 

We often say good or bad ... do we on earth really know a clear definition?  Also when we have to know what the bad is, we have to learn what the good is as a folk, don't we?  Also I believe thing does not always fit into the definition of good or bad.  If I use a color, I would say it gray.  Gray is zone where rule can not see but people as a folk can sense.  Sense is seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting and might be something else too.  All the more because of that, I keep saying a word "Folk".  Somebody has to stand up sometimes to say the truth of what is going on.





よく、良い悪いと言いますが、一体全体本当にハッキリとした定義を知っているだろうか? なんて思います。おまけに、悪いを知るには、その前に人として、良いを知っているのが前提ではないかな? そして、良い悪いというカテゴリーだけではかたずける事ができない事がらというものがあります。色を使うなら、まさしくグレイです。このグレイゾーンは、法律ではなく、「ただの人」だけに5感(もしくは、何か他の感覚)で知る事ができるゾーンだと思います。時々、本当に何がおこっているのかという真実を、誰かが明かさなければならない事があります。

i phone 5S & 5C.  5S would be superman:)  What about 5C?? I was thinking. Now I came up with answer.  5C is Ca-cean!  "Without Ca-cean, who's gonna do it?" What is "Ca-cean"?  I actually don't really know proper equivalent English translation and description?! You can compare its pronunciation with "Ocean".  "O-cean" & "Ca-cean". So I just write it in the way I speak it in Japanese.  This was my favorite words that I used to enjoy hearing at the end of the TV program when I was a kid. Awww one more thing Gamera was cool too.  Super man, Spider man, Iron man, Bat man ... I like them:)  Maybe Ca-cean would be good still.  What is Gamera?  Maybe this would be on the Internet in English. Anyway I better shut up:) Mata Ne.

ふと最近、i-phoneの新作5Sと5Cの話で思いだしました。SとCどっちがいいかなぁ。私の中で、Sはスーパーマンだなぁ:) Cは?何だろう?と。ひょっとして、キャシャーン:)なんて考えてしまいました。「キャシャーンがいなけりゃ、誰がやる」って言葉を聞いて育ったのですが(この世代を知ってる人がいるといいが。。。ガメラもよかったなぁ。)。やっぱり、誰かが本当に起こってる事を言わないと、わからないなあ。なんて思います。ついでに、私も、体験した事を伝えたり、見たままの写真を撮るのが好きな性分なんで、たまにこういう事もしたいと思います。ニックネームHimi Ko から  Cashaaan か Gameraに変えようかな。あっ、冗談でした、それでは、今日もよもやま^o^でした。

Thursday 12 September 2013

Travel blender for Reconstruction (Part 2) - 旅のレシピをミキサーしてみよう。街復興の為に。(パート 2)

Following by the previous story...
I think a Sky Drive or Google Drive will help us make it.  What is "Sky or Google Drive" ? 
This is what I have been using for storing my photos from once upon a time to now.
Sample is Photo Book "VIA Edmonton 2012-2013".

That is a drive (space) on website where You can store not only photos (JPEG file etc...) but also all the documents (Micro soft words, excel, access and power point files and etc...).

もしかして、Sky DriveやGoogle Driveが使えるのではないだろうか。「何それ?」という方は、こちら。
この前、偶然出来上がった写真集がちょうどサンプルかな? VIA Edmonton 2012-2013

(JPEGフォーマットなどの)写真だけでなく、(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPointフォーマットの)書類が保存できる(ウェブ上の)の場所(ドライブ)。

Story behind:
I happened to update Micro Soft office items into Microsoft Office Home 365 Premium because all of sudden my files of them became orange and 3 choices popped up when I tried opening it up.  I at first was like "What a ... ?!".   It turned out to be that I clicked the button to update it:)  I was going to do it anyway. 

突然、オフィス形式のファイルがオレンジに変わって、びっくり!? 「何これ? どういう事??」。最初はちょっとけげんになりました。ファイルを開こうとすると、3択メッセージがポップアップ。結局、気がついたらMicro Soft Office 365 Premium にアップデートしてました:) どっちにしても、するつもりだったので。

What point makes me choose it?
  • Anyone Anywhere Anytime. 
  • Universal Type
New point:
  • SKYPE FREE 60mins to PHONE
Here is more details.

  • パッと見て、どこに何が入っているのか、フォルダー別に分類、整理、整頓できるようになっている。
  • あなたの街から、お友達や家族、あるいは同僚と、お好きな時に、ファイル(特に書類)を創り上げたり、シェアしたり、編集したり、提示できる。
  • ファイルがユニバーサル仕様(microsoftと言えば、だいたいどこの国でも普及しているはず。)なので、誰でも参加し易い。
  • ワードやパワーポイント等のオフィスアプリケーションソフトをストリーミングしながら使用できるらしい。
  • 「60分無料スカイプ世界中の固定電話の通話/月」
もし「あれっ?!」ちょっと違う解釈してる?! と思われた方は、ぜひ知らせて下され。よろしくです。:) 詳しくは、こちらのサイト。

On the way, I a bit played with Microsoft PowerPoint:) Very short one. I'm advanced user now. at

Google Drive


Google Drive です。

After all, this will come in handy for creating, working out & organizing travel recipes with anybody and present them systematically to anybody?!  And then somebody share the link to Skydrive in a social media like (Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress etc..).Of course, who can share with whom is up to each one of us as you know.  This is just a brainstorming.

最終的には、このSky DriveやGoogle Driveが必要になってくるのではないかと思います。旅のレシピを効率よく系列ごとに整理整頓しながら、誰でもアクセス、編集できる。。。そして出来上がったファイル(旅のレシピ)は、いつでも誰にでもどこにでも提示できる。。。例えば、リンクを、(Google+, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress etc..)にシェアすればいいのでは。これなら難しい知識がなくても誰でも参加できるのでは?! もちろん誰とシェアするなどは、設定できるのはご存知の事と思います。

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Daily Treasure Island with discovery - 普段の生活も宝島に

When we say "Treasure", what would you imagine?


Something precious, fancy, beautiful, loyal, genuine, cute, classic, heritage etc. I don't say about its definition clearly here since it could be a person, a memory, a thing, a thought and so on.  I would like to say that it also can be something small; experience in a daily life. Moment of something you feel like giggling, laughing, surprising, warm hearting and so on.  Besides that, a treasure for me is whenever I find any moment of discovery, wonder and mystery from small to big.  Just "Oh, Wow, Ah, Yay, Mmm, O!" makes me feel a little excitement.  Probably it would be harder for people who busy working because busy.  I've been unemployed and somehow I have been enjoying that kind of moment.


Today's daily treasure:
"Oh, payphone?!
 I didn't see it until yesterday, I think."

When I took a closer to it...something is on it.

A bit rare sticker:)
I think not every one is having fun with it.

More like "Why? Public Telephone here?"  This phone is not just for giggling.  More likely for a safety & help desk purpose in case of accident for the path that will lead to a bridge with less fence as a mayor Mr. Stephen Mandel pointed it out in the article the other days.  I've been here before to enjoy sunset view.

ステッカーよりも、「なぜ、今のご時勢に電話が?」という疑問を持たれた方もいるのでは? クスッと笑う為だけにあるのではなく、どちらかというと、この先にある橋を渡る人の安全対策&ヘルプデスクの為にあります。実は、先日エドモントンの市長さんが、指摘をしてる記事を拝見しました。そしてその橋、私は脳天気に夕焼けがきれいに見えるスポットでお薦めした所。


It is bridge with less fence and possibly makes easily people fall into river voluntarily or involuntarily.Indeed every one has a different view for a same spot.  Discovery can be practical sometimes. 


The more discovery we find, a daily life become simply more treasure island:) wherever we are.  

Friday 6 September 2013

Travel blender for Reconstruction -旅のレシピをミキサーしてみよう。街復興の為に。

Summer into Fall.  It's time to clean up.
Scavenger Hunt!
A part of the image from my past presentation file at my school days. Now I like to renovate it again.



  • In our school → In our world
  • Students → Travellers ( or Globalists)
  • School → World

(※I use a word of Globalist as a person who is able to see the difference wherever one is and to be able to accept it.  It's just my thought. Clear definition? I don't know. Bottom line is People are all different & unique.)
  • 学校でハッピー♪→ 世界でハッピー♪
  • もっと学生を → もっと旅行者を (グローバル人を)
  • 学校を楽しもう → 世界を楽しもう

(グローバル人って? はっきりとした定義は私もよく知りません。ただ私なりの解釈は、グローバル人とは、とどのつまり世界のどこに居ても、違いを見る事が出来る人、そしてそれを受け入れる事ができる人だと思います。違いすらわからなければ、他の人や文化なんて理解する事は出来ないと思うから。みんな同じなんてあり得ないと思うし。)
The words "reconstruction" is not a new word at all here and there.  I came from a country whose towns were gone with Tsunami & striving for reconstruction and I live in a country whose town has been facing to reconstruction.  Reconstruction needs energy for sure.  And reconstruction damaged by nature needs huge energy I feel.  I would say people who really haven't experienced any Tsunami, earthquake, natural or artificial disaster, or otherwise any accident wouldn't really be able to know how awful it would be.   In fact, we sometimes forget about that.  However I'm not here to blame for that.  That is natural course.  I'm here to say what we can do now.  Donation, volunteers... these are 1st thing that pops up on most of us. It's a heart.
Here I like to think on a bit larger scale.  When it comes to reconstruction, what do we need?  I think man power & finance.  (By the way, Whether Japanese or English news paper, Finance is the section that I mostly skip to read as my brain really doesn't understand it at all.  I'm not good at that area. So please understand such a person is going to speak about that.)  Nowadays people, products & currency are circulating globally. Some of the example idea is UNESCO, the other NPO organizations, Int'l culture organization, foreign workers, global corporation, Trading company, Int'l logistic company and etc ... Now there is still a new unknown category that we can explore. That is ...
復興。この言葉、世界中で耳にする昨今。津波、地震、洪水、テロ、戦争等によって崩壊された街の再復建は、はかり知れないほどのエネルギーがいると思いました。そのすごさや痛み、不便さは、それを経験した人にしか本当の意味ではわからないです。しかしながら、周りで出来る事は、なんだろう? と考えてみよう。身近な事で、思い浮かぶのがやはり、献金、募金、ボランティア。要は、役に立てたらなぁ。という気持ち。
ここで、もう少し大きなスケールで考えてみようと思います。復興中にまず必要になるのは、何かというとマンパワーとやはり財政力かと。(※実は新聞を読む時、英文でも日本文でも、私は財政、ファイナンスのページはスキップしてしまいます。なぜかというと、言ってる内容がいまいち頭に入ってこないので。。。資本が云々。。。う~ん。よくわからない。要するに苦手です。そんな人が話しているのだという事を考慮に入れて下され。) 今のご時勢、人もお金も、グローバルで循環しています。私が思いつくのは、ユネスコや、その他国際交流団体。外国人労働者。グローバル企業。貿易。そして、ここでまだまだ未知な路線があるのでは、と思います。それは、こちら。
TOURISM (it could wrap over int'l culture organization or the equivalent ...)
Let's pick up some of its assembly.  "OK let's go to travel." What would you deal with?
  • Vehicle (Public transportation, air plane, rent a car, micro bus and etc...)
  • Dining  (Restaurant, vending machine, food car, local farm, bar and etc...)
  • Accommodation ( Hotel, B&B, homestay, camp, motor house car, YH, our house and etc...)
  • Sightseeing (landmark, festival, entertainment, shopping, architecture, heritage spot and word of mouth and etc...)
  • Bank (Traveller's check, credit card, cash and etc...)
  • Corporation (Travel agency, tour operator, tour guide and etc...)
  • Research (Internet, newspaper, magazine, book, walk-in on the phone, in person, word of mouth and etc...)

  • 乗り物(公共バスに始まり、飛行機、レンタカー、マイクロバスなど数知れず。)
  • 飲食(レストラン、自動販売機、フードカー、駅弁、ローカルフード、クラブ、バーなど数知れず。)
  • 滞在(ホテル、B&B、ホームステイ、キャンプ、民宿、YH、もしくはあなたのお宅、など数知れず。)
  • 観光(観光名所。イベント。エンターテイメント。ショッピング。口コミ名所、など数知れず。)
  • 銀行(トラベラーチェック、クレジットカード、現金、など数知れず。)
  • 企業(旅行会社、ツアーオペレーター、添乗ガイド、など数知れず。)
  • 下調べ(インターネット、新聞広告、雑誌、ガイド本、電話やカウンターにて問い合わせ、口コミ、など数知れず。)
Here is a question. "Do any of city, town and village have a "Wow!" sightseeing spot??"
My answer honestly is ":s maybe... not always."  For now let's forget about an idea of Wow! sightseeing spot.  Try staying out of any border of square on your mind.
では、世界中、どこでもWowという観光名所があるか?! というと、正直「?」です。
Anywhere has anyone, any store, any singer, any bar, any chef, any restaurant, any store, any homemade product, any bar, any behind a scene tour, any worker, any group and any team of  a word of mouth.  I would also call it something signature.  I would like to call "Homemade tour with my friends' recipe."  It is global, yet personal and authentic.  Major sightseeing spot?  That's what existing travel companies can deal with.  Right group for right spot.
Have you noticed anything?

Tourism can be a huge assembly of anything & anyone and also can be a new unknown zone.  As many "recipe" as there are, there will be many ways to blend and go for "homemade tour".  If all the ways are full occupancy, that possibly would bring a big revenue which all of us can share.  If not then, well... that's OK too.  That's why I said unknown.
My purpose here is to bring more flow of currency to the struggling town to reconstruct.  Also travellers are always happy.  Tour guides and operators are happy to work.  Anywhere or anyone that gets spotlight is happy.  I just guess "traveling would bring happy cycle as long as there is a respect to nature and culture in the destination."  Good example is Olympic.  "Why does all the city like to be a sponsor for Olympic?"  Answer is clear.  I just use the same idea.  The difference is the size and (maybe shape?!).  But size doesn't matter sometimes.  Uniqueness makes a difference.  Think about when using a blender.  It only works with a bunch of small pieces.

Here I just ask myself  "What can I do for that?" I have 2 hands & 2 legs with a bit of brain:)  Answer lies somehow in my past.  Now and once upon a time:) I have been popping up myself through my path: companies, places and friends.  It is a sort of extension of what I have done last 1 year.  The difference is that the degree to reach gets a bit larger and that I focus on more personal level.  I would be happy to introduce them and make a homemade recipe with them.  Also sometimes I like to help travellers go to the destinations.  Somehow my past backbone are transforming into my present backbone which will be my future blend juice?!  This is just a brainstorming.
 例えば、穴場な小さな街や、口コミでおいしい店や、ホームメイドのおいしい店、名物おじさんのいる店、名物お姉さんが歌うバーなど、必ずどこの街にもあるはずです。私は、少なからず個人レベルで知ってます。あるいは、ついでに口コミのお兄さんやお姉さんがいる仕事場での社会見学、異国の地でのプロジェクト見学、異国の地の撮影現場ツアー。グローバルでありながら、パーソナルな、題して「友達レシピによるホームメイドツアー」なんてのもできるのでは? と思います。観光業は、「比較的どんな物でもブレンドの素材」になり得るのでは? と思います。「個人レベルの場合は、より国際交流が出来るのではないか?」と思います。従来のメジャーな観光地スポットやツアーは、現存の旅行会社さんにお任せすればよいと思うし。
そして、ここで気がつきませんか? 観光業は混ぜれる選択肢がたくさんあります。レシピの数が多ければ、それだけブレンドでできあがるパターンが増えます。荷物ばかりを運んでいる運転手さん、お友達ツアーの運転手さんにもなり得るのでは?従来の運送業と観光業をブレンドしてみるとか?


さしあたり、2つの手と2本の足で私ができるのは、何だろう? と考えてみました。答えは、なんとなく私の過去にありました。昔も今も、どうも風来坊していたようです。必然的に、私の足跡がある会社、場所、友人を紹介する事? or 合作レシピの作成? だろうか。この1年の少し延長のような感じです。少しだけ違うのは、微妙にスケールが大きくなるのと同時に、少しだけ人にフォーカスする事になる事と、更に、私もたまに旅先へお供できるといいなぁ。という点でしょうか。なんとなく、私の過去のバックボーンが現在のバックボーンに変化しつつあります。実は、私が過去と詠ってたいたものは、同時に新しかったのです。そしてこれがいずれ未来ジュースになるという感じでしょうか? あっ、大きな口をたたいてしまった:) 相変わらず、脳天気な私でした。




Tuesday 3 September 2013

Propeller - プロペラ

"Oh, propeller is spinning. Very fast!"

Then I took a recording.
"!?" "Why so slow motion?!"
"Where does the fragment of propeller pop up from?!"

Actually I didn't see any propeller
 in a solid shape when it was spinning.
 But lens (i pod) brought me a weird experience:)
レンズ(i pod)を通すと、摩訶不思議な体験ができました:)