Tuesday 10 September 2013

Daily Treasure Island with discovery - 普段の生活も宝島に

When we say "Treasure", what would you imagine?


Something precious, fancy, beautiful, loyal, genuine, cute, classic, heritage etc. I don't say about its definition clearly here since it could be a person, a memory, a thing, a thought and so on.  I would like to say that it also can be something small; experience in a daily life. Moment of something you feel like giggling, laughing, surprising, warm hearting and so on.  Besides that, a treasure for me is whenever I find any moment of discovery, wonder and mystery from small to big.  Just "Oh, Wow, Ah, Yay, Mmm, O!" makes me feel a little excitement.  Probably it would be harder for people who busy working because busy.  I've been unemployed and somehow I have been enjoying that kind of moment.


Today's daily treasure:
"Oh, payphone?!
 I didn't see it until yesterday, I think."

When I took a closer to it...something is on it.

A bit rare sticker:)
I think not every one is having fun with it.

More like "Why? Public Telephone here?"  This phone is not just for giggling.  More likely for a safety & help desk purpose in case of accident for the path that will lead to a bridge with less fence as a mayor Mr. Stephen Mandel pointed it out in the article the other days.  I've been here before to enjoy sunset view.

ステッカーよりも、「なぜ、今のご時勢に電話が?」という疑問を持たれた方もいるのでは? クスッと笑う為だけにあるのではなく、どちらかというと、この先にある橋を渡る人の安全対策&ヘルプデスクの為にあります。実は、先日エドモントンの市長さんが、指摘をしてる記事を拝見しました。そしてその橋、私は脳天気に夕焼けがきれいに見えるスポットでお薦めした所。


It is bridge with less fence and possibly makes easily people fall into river voluntarily or involuntarily.Indeed every one has a different view for a same spot.  Discovery can be practical sometimes. 


The more discovery we find, a daily life become simply more treasure island:) wherever we are.  

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