Tuesday 26 February 2013

Hang out in garage - ガレージで連む

Now that I found out "Oh, that's the root of hangout". 

When you ask,"where are you hanging out?"  Answer is "Garage"
"What?!" that was my reaction at first.

Actually I've seen and heard this here and there.  I just found interesting to see people hanging out at garage while nowadays all the social media, entertainment & tourism scenes enable us to hangout almost everywhere.

Just getting together over drink, music, talk and...  Garage possibly has a heating system, fridge,table of course all the tools on the shelves besides vehicle.  They don't come up to house and yet stay at garage where jam session of talking & playing take place.

「あ~、これが仲のよい友達と連るむ原型かぁ。」 と今になって気付きました。





Saturday 16 February 2013

Past Present Future - 過去、現在そして未来

What is this? 
This is my treasure of thought from past through present to future.
(Phrase translation is as below)


"Snapshot in the world
     Welcome to World Photo Junction!  This is just an entrance to step into a world.  This could be a turning point for you.
     Coming across one scene in a snapshot, person, nature, art and anything that attracts you could change your life. You would find yourself on the road to the destination. You would be living there a year later.  It's interesting to share and discover 'Oh i was there! Oh that's another must-see spot." 
     Let's open the door by clicking the menu button in the left, shall we!"

What a fancy words..."oh my god did I write this?" but I still feel so through my experience.
This actually used to be a part of my past homepage when I became interested in connecting to world through web just like "Wow cool". The white letter tells me it was 2005 when I wrote this. Almost 7 years later, I decided to renovate it for たまてばこ【Himi Ko】 as Wow! picture page just fit into that.

Now again I was surprised to see this like "Wait a minute" after I came up with renovation blogs.  Apparently it doesn't change content, however I broke the whole structure so far invisibly.  I would be happy to be a part of pedway in the world.  This baby step is what I can do for now.

Once I start to write, it tends to be long.  So just sit back and let it through yourself just like BGM. 


実は、まだソシアルメディアが今ほど発達していない頃、趣味半分に作ったホームページがありました。その頃、「インターネットでホームページを作って世界中の人とつながれるなんてすごい!」と何気に思ってました。よく見ると2005年にこれを書いたようです。このGIF画像はその一部でした。あの自転車のWowのページも。実は、このホームページを改造して作ったのが、たまてばこ【Himi Ko】。テーマにぴったりはまってしまったもので。

そして、この2~3日、Episode & Episode 2 達をどうしてつなげよう? と考えていた所。まさにこのアイデアが今もピッタリくるではないか?



Thursday 14 February 2013

Prelude at Edmonton City Hall

I started Episode 2.  And somehow my episode 2 project feels me like Edmonton street development project.  "All doesn't fit in one."  Even if I pick up one place to introduce, it has so many faces all year around.  So I like to introduce any local spot occasion by occasion.  How do I connect episode 1 to episode 2?  That's actualy still question and I'll figure it out hopefully. Luckily I titled "Diary".  So I hope you to understand. I like to introduce Edmonton more likely by photos with less description since i like you to feel it as it is and as you like.  For this reason, I like to capture the scene as it is and show you as it is.  How do I take photos?  Probably I don't think too much. I prefer natural looking in photo.
Why do you travel?

Probably there are millions of reasons as many as people. Beautiful scenery, Gorgeous hotel, Tasty food, Festival, Adventure, Eco experience, Famous sightseeing, History, Architecture and more.  I asked myself and came up with lots of reasons for sure. It depends on that time.

One thing that I can say is that I enjoy watching what local people do in daily life wherever I go traveling. I remember... 1st time I went to Europe, I saw a woman blowing her nose with her handkerchief on the train. "Buuuun" I honestly thought "Oh my god" quite a culture shocking at the days. Those small daily findings make me excited when I travel.

Probably for this reason, I'll introduce starting with City hall adjacent to Curchill square where local people are hanging all year around. 

Summer time

When I visit on Feb 14

Ice link on Valentine Day

What about Face painting?

What is this?  No marshmallow.. looks like Taro?

Before I figured it out what it was, I put attention on one
man who focused on the same spot as I did.
Nice camera!

They said "Banette"
that's like a bread with brown sugar.

High tension couple started to approach me when
I just tried to take a snapshot. 
"Here for you"
Thanks for nice flower!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Transforming Edmonton - tweet -

Transforming Edmonton.

This words just tempted me to look at it. 
It's all about public meeting to share information about designing streets and communities.  There is bunch of files of plan to read before this meeting. Oh my god. I cant make it for tonight, however, i feel excited to look thorugh it thinking of Edmonton in future.

What will become of Edmonton?
Personally I hope the day will come when more bike with basket in front (mama-chari)is widespread in cycling street.  Nothing to do with the plan?

I think...

The bridges over a beautiful river valley somehow cut flow in a whole town.  Also On weekend, downtown is dead, while Whyte ave is active.  Still car road has more priority than pedestrian on the narrow bridge.  Make it more friendly for pedestrian and cyclist.  Look at Holland,bike takes you most of everywhere.  Or what if tourist can rent a cycle at one place and drop it off in the other, just like a rent a car?

Make a circulating barrier free route that will sit across the river.  Set a theme, for example, "Healthy street" designed with the same pattern or ambience.  Some parts are filled up with spots for rest associated with healthy such as foot massage store, natural food cafe.  The plan of light up bridge could be part of this.  Well what about winter?  that's the another issue... again
I'll look through anyway as I don't know what question i should start with.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

No more Canadian Penny

Canadian penny is on the way to disappear since Canadian mint started to stop distributing them to business  or financial institutions Feb 4.  When you travel inside Canada in future, you will experience like this:

If your change is

 $1.01 or 1.02, you’ll get back $1 

 $1.06 or 1.07, you’ll get back $1.05

$ 1.03 or 1.04, you’ll get back $1.05

$1.08 or 1.09, you’ll get back $1.10

Most of business has been still handling penny, the others like Tim Horton (Canadian Donuts retail) completely stopped giving penny back however they takes it.  It will take a long transformation time to disappear penny in daily life.   

Sunday 3 February 2013

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is around the corner.  This year it kicks off on Feb 10.  Japanese has a similar custom when we celebrate New Year a little earlier.  I just stopped by one of Chinese community here.  They are always energetic people. 

Volunteers at reception.  I am always fascinated by
China Dress.

Red is lucky color in their New Year?

They are happy!

Traditional pudding?

Radish cake


Lucky money pouch.  In new year, kids are
expecting to receive lucky money.

This year's symbol is Snake. This looks like a
bit of dragon though.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Noorish Cafe in Edmonton

I recently started Yoga at Noorish which has cafe as well.  This time I visit Noorish to enjoy healthy food there.  Here is how it went that day.

Noorish Cafe
8440 109st NW Edmonton AB Canada

That's the door to Yoga studio downstairs.

They mainly specialize  in organic, vegetarian and
healthy food.  Cafe was full of female group and
some males as well.  They use spices for plates and
that would fill up somehow your appetite.

There is Spedial day menu such as Valentine too.
You can enjoy food over live music at certain time.
Always seasonal Yoga session is going on
besides noraml ones.


That's the view when I sat at bar.  A woman who
was working on juice & tea blending picked up
this green pea leaves as a condiment of a fresh
vegetable juice. Sounds fresh!

She was very kind to say "Anything you have
 question, ask me." offering a complementary
chai tea with mashroom powder blend.  That was
quite new for me and sounded mis matching?!
It actually was goooooooood.  Next time
I'll order this.

Cafe has a retail section that handle natural and
organic product.

Here my order came.  3 mini chick pea burger with
cumin flavor.  Side was raw onion?!she said. 
Something like marinated onion dehydrated.
When I put it in mouth, quite interesting sense.
It was soft.

In the middle of eating burgers, she inroduced the
other fresh enerzied juice with orange flavor.
That refreshed my mouth and again I kept going
yummy burgers.

Why I took mini plates was because...
I wanted to have some sweets.
This is mulberry and white choco cheese cake.
Vegan cheese is used and so tasted light, not
so heavy.  That's just good bite after lunch.

Looking at window seats.  There are sofa seats
for a group.

That's part of bar looking.  They don't make
cucktail here but serve some alchol mix drinks 
and sell ones on a bottle base.

In the end, I really liked to take a snapshot of her.
She was excited and started to ask "What can I
do for pose?" I said "As you like!" Then next
moment, she called chef.  That's the best shot
I liked that day.
Ashley & Rylan (Chef)
Thank you!

Ms. Stefanie molicki at International Week at U of A

Left to Right
 Volunteer:Grace & Cheng (Kyle)

This time I by accident attended her lecture:Cultural Otherness Leads Us to Oneness.

Why by accident?

Yes. I got lost in such a large cite.  I bumped into fitness building and "Oh no". Eventually I reached the class room 254 where 10:00AM session was in half way through. "Ok then I feel like I would make it for 11:00Am one."  That's why I took it.

A girl was there.  She asked me "Are you a speaker for 11Am?"
I of course said,"Oh no, I'm just an audience for that." I left for snoopying a bit and then came back.  This time, the other woman was there.  She asked me "Are you a volunteer for my session?"  I again said, "Oh no, I'm actually an audience for you and waiting."  That was funny moment to insist "I am an Audience."

Now I will explain what she talked about. The topic is brain that is often discussed in daily life.  I personally was amazed by taking her session just in right time.

Her key word was "Be Curious".

She says;

When we grow up, we tend to stay in our own box which is made of comfortable habit, custom and sense. I thought "Yes I do." We have basically same function of brain.  "How come does this happen;like you can see this and I cannot see this?  Answer is just whether how we use brain diffrently. Quite simple and nothing wrong with it.  However when we come to understand the other culture and view of thinking in a global days, essential way is to evolve our our brain. Breaking the same path way in brain is essential to do it to understand the others.

How does we do it? Here is how.

 When our brain come across experience, information or anything that doesn't exist in it, it does move and activate its part that hasn't used yet. New impulse helps brain evolving by thinkging or feeling "Oh?, Oops?, What? Why? ". At this moment If you think "Oh why do I need to evolve my brain?
Still and now? Forget it."  Nothing wrong. 

Yoga trick brain to activate by shutting our comfy custom box. I just started to yoga and glad to know it.

Crocodile kept the same volume of brain over 200 million-year while human doubled the volume less than the same period times.   At this moment human is potentially evolving brain .

She also put a supporing point on that;

Husband, wife, mother, father, friend, relative, kid and pet...Have anyone who see you as you are and don't judge you not by job, status, look, education, nationality and all of what is called "Social Label".  We stay in our comfy box and out, in and out... That person is watching even if silly:)  It means a lot.  Brain can be more open  and activated.   

When you close your eye, who is on your mind?