Monday 7 October 2013

Similarity ?! -  類似点を探そう

Enjoying Fall?   Fall is a season where imagination and thought are revolving around our spirit through 5 senses which is eating, smelling, hearing, watching and touching.   Fall is also when people tend to go to school to study something.  Here I like to whisper materials for learning are also just around us in a daily life.   One of my favorite words is “Real life experience”. 

Out of blue, mini quiz :) Please find out a similarity in the following 2 dramas & 1 comic picture.


  1. TV drama “Wire” (English)
  2. TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki”(Japanese)     , Plot on Wiki
  3. Comic by TUNDRA 

"Why penguin crimes seldom end in convictions":)
"Now just take your time, ma'an, and tell me which one stole your herring":)

These became already materials to write and will become ones possibly to learn.  I just started to get a short plot & get ready to watch.
Finding out a common point among objects that seem to have nothing to do with each other… This may need third eye I think.  To tell you the truth, the word “Out of blue” & “third eye” popped up on my mind via the band “Third Eye Blind” :)   Materials for writing is also just around us. 
Today I’m happy to let a sort of culture mix happen here.
Oh, the answer for the mini quiz is “Detector”:)
この、一見何のつながりもないもの達に、ひとつの共通点を見つける事って意外と脳を刺激すると思います。本当は誰でも持っているけど、普段使わない目という事で、第3の目。英語ではThird Eyeですね。実は、Third Eyeという単語を使った由来は。。。すごいふざけてるかもしれませんが、私の好きなバンドのひとつThird Eye Blindなんです。という訳で、書き物するにも、題材はそこら辺に転がってるなぁ。なんて思います。

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