Saturday 17 August 2013

1+1= ?

1+1=2  Is this correct?
さて、単純な数式。1+1=2 ですね?
Then 1+1=2+... Is this correct?
I heard that. I have seen that.
では、1+1=2+... はどうですか?
How about 1+1 = miracle 1 ?
I agree with it.
では、1+1 = ミラクル 1 だったらどうですか?

Since I met my husband, we have been breaking through something that seemed to be impossible. 
We didn't have to do something wow! For example, just one word of him & my action have made it.
Or vice versa. Or we just coincidentally get the same idea and jam in the same timing. I get an idea from a song he introduces me. Or something like that.  More precisely to say, "it turns out to be that we made it".


How about 1+1+1+1+1+... = miracle 1 ?
さて、1+1+1+1+1+...=ミラクル 1 なんてどうですか?

I have done this before with my family, my friends, friends of mine and their friends. Again "it turns out to be that we made it."


Now What makes a difference in 1+1?

I learned...
"What kind of 1 or how 1?" does it.  Also how to make a combination of "Who you are" & "Who I am".  There can be an intended combination & a natural combination. I more like the latter pattern.
「どんな1ですか?」が大事。「あなたはどんな人ですか?」「私はどんな人ですか?」という事。あとは、それの組み合わせかな? これも大事。この組み合わせ、意図的に組み合わせる場合と、自然にできあがる(あれっ、出来てる)場合があります。どちらかというと、私は後者のブレンドが好きです。

How we make a combination is just like an experiment or natural science? or a blending of those?
「どうやってこの組み合わせができるのか?」というのは「実験」それとも「サイエンス」に似てませんか? もしくはそのブレンド?

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Walk in - drive through - on my road

First of all, continued from latest episode 2...

It turned out to be that combo of my past expired Japanese driver's license & my present Alberta Class 7 pass (Not license) will be Alberta full class 5 via Japan.
"Surprise! - Green signal"

Later today I started to think "??" after some conversations with my husband.
Me: I will get Class 5 Full!
Husband:Can you update?
The followig is secret... hint: food
Unexpectedly I had a chance to 4th review of a driver's guide. To be honest, I didn't understand some of the words in the guide book clearly. "Class 5" means "Class 5 GDL?" or "Class 5 FUll?" When I take more time to look carefully into the page before & after, I think "I would understand." This is my English or language skill actually.

That's why I like to walk-in (in person & on the phone) sometimes wherever I am.  English? or Japanese?  It doesn't matter.  One more thing why I like to walk-in is because I can be "?   !  :)  :0  lol  :S  :/   ;) " just like I drive with a signal red,  yellow and green on a road.

After all, I like to say "Arigato Gozaimasu" & "Thank you" to a lady 1 who said "Sounds great!" & a man 1 on a counter for guiding me while walking in.