Saturday 23 March 2013

(Hito) Kanji - 人という漢字


Japanese has Kanji in writing. I like to introduce Kanji 人 called (hito) as I have been somehow feeling or sensing support from so many (people) since I started to write like this.

Kanji 人 (hito) means (person) or (people).  Kanji sometimes play a role of symbol launguage.
This kanji 人 is an good example of that. 

Take a look at 人.

It shows you a picture where 2 person are leaning body each other just like supporting each other.
I think essence of world is just like this.   By introducing the Kanji 人, I would like to send "Big Thank you" to people from the old through new that I have been through on family, relative, friends, community, social media base and (might be some other way).

I am :) to be here.





すでに皆さんには言いたいとする事がわかってる思いますが、これが世の中の真髄だ。と思います。 家族や、親戚、旧友、新友、コミューニティーやソシアルメディアを通してつながった人々(きっと違う方法でも)に「ありがとうございます」を言いたくなったので、この漢字「人」を紹介したくなりました。

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