Saturday 23 March 2013

(Hito) Kanji - 人という漢字


Japanese has Kanji in writing. I like to introduce Kanji 人 called (hito) as I have been somehow feeling or sensing support from so many (people) since I started to write like this.

Kanji 人 (hito) means (person) or (people).  Kanji sometimes play a role of symbol launguage.
This kanji 人 is an good example of that. 

Take a look at 人.

It shows you a picture where 2 person are leaning body each other just like supporting each other.
I think essence of world is just like this.   By introducing the Kanji 人, I would like to send "Big Thank you" to people from the old through new that I have been through on family, relative, friends, community, social media base and (might be some other way).

I am :) to be here.





すでに皆さんには言いたいとする事がわかってる思いますが、これが世の中の真髄だ。と思います。 家族や、親戚、旧友、新友、コミューニティーやソシアルメディアを通してつながった人々(きっと違う方法でも)に「ありがとうございます」を言いたくなったので、この漢字「人」を紹介したくなりました。

Friday 22 March 2013

San Miguel de Allende - サンミゲル・デ・アジェンデ

This time I like to introduce (Hidden gem in Mexico)historic town. 

San Miguel de Allende has its unique faces of serenity,excitement and beauty.  Architects,Painter,designer,writer,musician and the people called "Artist" would love this place.  Or wanna learn Spanish and enjoy Tequila shot over Salsa dance?  People there are awesome.




Beautiful style of Church

Cobblestone streets and
colonial architecture with colorful buildings.

Bull fight on the street
 - only for people with strong heart -
Bulls are awesome and so are people.
My hands were upset in snapshot.
通りにて牛追い祭り -心臓の強い人向け-

On an Independent Day of Mexico -
Fire dynamite blowing and spining around at midnight.
- "Ouch" with flakes of fire -
 -火のこがふりかかってきます- 「あつっ」

Tuesday 19 March 2013

At the street in Japan - Part 2 - 「日本ならでは」の巻(その2)

When you are at platform, you will come across this kind of spot .

Says "Boarding for women only"
 in certain time and certain route.
It's actually at a station in Kansai int'l airport line.

Too packed in the peak time and so this car makes
women feel comfortable to stand or sit. 
Inside also pink poster says women only

Monday 18 March 2013

At the street in Japan - Part 1 - 「日本ならでは」の巻(その1)

When you are traveling in a foreign country,
"mmm... which one should I eat?" at lunch or dinner time.

Often time in Japan, this kind of show window or picture will help you visualize what each plate look like:)


oops this is real one. I ordered
left one below on the pics above.


Friday 15 March 2013

At the window case - ショーウィンドーの前

Today powder snow was falling into a big snow from yesterday.  Town became shiny.  I found myself taking a snapshot of show window at a shoe store looking spring.

"Are you a mystery shopper?" She asked me. "No way. Just enjoying show window. Are you a shop staff?" I asked her.

Relationship could start with any moment. That's good part when I travel on my own sometimes.
Have a nice weekend.




Thursday 14 March 2013

Sound Effect at Noorish Yoga - 音響の効果

"Ow,Singing? Chants?" at Noorish Yoga studio yesterday.
Chants of voice ... fade in ...fade out...silence...and fade in ... fade out
One of the reasons why I like to go to Yoga is because of narration and voice of instructors.
