Sunday 2 March 2014

Return to zero - 原点に戻ろう

  • Life with Money but without Body & Mind?!
  • Life without Money but with Body & Mind?!

Hmmm….Which one? J



I think

Body & Mind = Capital ≠ Money ≠ New machine & tools


Is it? 


We all wake up without knowing.   That’s what our body & mind does.  Everything starts from that point.  Believe or not, our body is an excellent self-generator & factory.  Once upon a time, people’s body used to sense & switch on its function with all the natural source such as sunlight, sounds of wind blowing, sounds of water running and sounds of forests singing.  Time has passed by and society have developed and even been distorted somehow.   


“Wisdom of Grandmother” (Obaa-chan No Chie).  This is a familiar saying in Japan.  Indeed, the seniors is a source of wisdoms, tips & advises that I feel like saying “Oh I see.”  And ancient people had unknown & mystery of skills & techniques that I feel like saying “Wow! How did you do that?”  Also classic style is the one that I feel like “Ah, simple and very handy to use.”  I just sense it is time to pursue a new version of tool or machine without any reason is over for me.  I just think again all the answer lies in old days or once upon a time. 


Saturday 1 March 2014

Seniors friendly?! Or mobile friendly?! - モバイルフレンドリー?! or 高齢者優先?!

“Yay!  It’s time to get a new smart phone!” It is excited to find a new tool of smart phone or device.   For now it can be fun while I just thought choosing whether i- phone or Android or whatever type of small smart phone will not make a difference in future?!  Why this idea popped up is because I just had mentioned previously that world will have more seniors. People ages and it is natural for everybody.  The day will come when more people would come across like this… "Oh... hard to see a small screen..."


Still most of compact digital device has a function to enlarge a letter.  It is seniors-friendly.  However the larger the letters are, the less letters a screen has.  When it comes to reading digital book or a long writing material, it could be not so ideal in a small screen of device.   I’m sure seniors feel more comfortable to see letters & readings in a big scale & a big screen.   As long as scale is small, there is a limit of how we see.  I just wondered if more seniors would need much bigger size of screen than laptop or desktop size with both key pad with clear design & touch pad eventually.  Instead of compact, it could be slim.   I never expected to start to think that way which is totally opposite to the present familiar concept of “compact”.  Now I just think about how seniors see.   “Bigger & Larger space in screen” should be seniors – friendly.”   And seniors are actually the ones who actually are capable of enjoying rich time I think. 


Friday 28 February 2014

Sound Body & Mind - 健全な身体に健全な精神

>>Konnichiwa.  Healthy food, healthy menu, healthy recipe, healthy restaurant, healthy ingredients, healthy tours and healthy bra bra bra… I myself very much like those words in daily life.  Those are all about outside–of-us–world.  Now did we forget anything? 


That is… ourselves… our Body & Mind.  One of my favorite words is “A sound mind in a sound body. “  Or vice versa.  Chicken 1st or Egg 1st?  It doesn’t matter which one is 1st in this time.   Sound mind is simple.  Smiling :) Then what does “sound body” mean?  I would say technically a healthy body has a sound system of natural healing mechanism, metabolism & immune system.   Everyone is supposed to have this system inside the body.  “Is supposed to???” “What do you mean?” 

それは、自分自身の体と心です。「健全な身体に健全な精神」私のお気に入りの言葉。これ逆もまた然り。どっちが先かな? これはただ今、論点ではないので、先に行かせて戴きます。健康な心とは、ずばり、笑える事かな:) では「健康な体」ってどういうことなのだろうか? 少し専門的な言葉を使わせていただきます。「健康な体は、新陳代謝がよく、免疫力も万全で、自然治癒力がうまい事機能する体」だと思います。私達が持っているはず?! と言わなければならないかもしれません。どうしてかというと。。。

Yes.  Your body forget to function in a natural healing mechanism mode.  Example is that it is, I think, quite normal for most of you that “Oh I have headache.”  “Oh I got cold.”  “Oh dizzy… might get flu...”  “I’ll go get medicine”  “I’ll go see a doctor.”  This could be a familiar scene for you.  Probably you’ll be getting the familiar medicine which you are not really sure about or a doctor will be giving you a medicine.  Here are pitfalls.   “You are not really sure about your condition.”   So I can question you “Is that really right medicine for you?” “Did you describe your condition more precisely to a doctor?  Didn’t you say just Flu?”  “Did a doctor really give you a right medicine & diagnosis for you?” “Is that really a right doctor for you?”  Those are honest questions from me after all I heard some stories from my friends.  I must say “Really?  Are you kidding?”  I honestly haven’t gone to a hospital in my life.  When I feel something wrong with my body, I just go to bed and sleep or actually get a quick hot bath & go sleep.  Or otherwise I do some periodic check at interval.  So far so good.  You must say “Are you kidding?” :)  But I am who I am and rather feel awful to take any medicine or go see a doctor.  I’m so far crazy or lucky that way :)  Of course I know my weakness of my body too.  The following is my opinion. 

そうなんです。実は、あなたの体は自然治癒の機能を忘れてしまっているかもしれません。こんな事よくありませんか?「あ~頭が痛い。」「あ~風邪かも。」「あ~なんかぞくぞくする、インフルエンザにかかったかな。。」「お薬飲もうっと。」「お医者さんに行こうかな。」そして「よくわかってもいない薬を手にする。」or「お医者さんが何か薬をくれる。」ここで見落としている点がひとつあります。「あなたは風邪ではないかもしれないのに、風邪だと思っている。実はよくわかってない。」私なら、ここで疑問がたくさんわきあがってきます。「あなたは本当にこの薬をのんでいいのか?」「あなたはお医者さんにもっと細かく症状を説明しましたか?」「ただインフルエンザ。。。とだけお医者さんに言った?」「お医者さんはきちんとあなたを診断して、正しい処方箋を渡しましたか?」「そのお医者さんは本当にあなたを診てますか?」友達からの通院の話を聞いたりすると、「えっ!? それお医者さん? ちょっとおかしい?!」と一瞬思ってしまいました。そんな私は実は、病院やお医者さんとは縁がほとんどありませんでした。何か体の調子が変だな、と思えば寝る。たまに熱いお風呂に入ってすぐ寝るなんて荒治療も。定期健診も。逆に、薬を飲んだり、お医者さんに診てもらう方が、「こわ~い」と思います。これで今のところ生きてます:) きっとラッキーなのか「えっ、ちょっとおかしい?!」そんな私も、体の中の弱点を知ってます。ここから先は、私の見解だと思ってくださいね。

Doctors are busy.  Reality is that they don’t count on a small symptom carefully & just treat it with a flat way unless you ask more or tell yourself more.  A small symptom might be actually causing a serious disease.   Also reality is that people who really don’t have to go to hospital or don’t have to take any medicine just waste time, money and a great natural healing mechanism.   I understand how hard for you to switch your body from chemical medicine functioned into a sound natural healing functioned.  Meantime unfortunately there are people who have to live with an incurable or unknown conditions without any reason.  Or there could be a reason.  I don’t know.   I even think there could be a possibility that such a condition has something to do with his/her natural healing mechanism. 


We don’t really know what will happen next moment.  I think we need a doctor who does surgery, operation & see people of course.  I cannot do surgery.  They save people’s life after all of even serious accidents or disease.  I, however, like to say we need more persons who can give a preventative advice & measure or who have an insight for a potential disease through a small symptom or who can give mental support to people who have an unknown condition.   Indeed, world will have more seniors in future.  Currently world have more people who is not sick but subjected to a stressful situation without knowing.  What are the equivalent words to “People cannot get sick?”  Answer is “People can keep body and mind in a good condition.”  It’s simple.  Going to a hospital or taking any medicine is a sort of habit.  It must be hard to change the habit.  But at this moment, “Ok what?  Natural healing mechanism?!”  “I feel like to know about it”, then it’s not too late.  That’s exactly a moment when your natural healing mechanism turn on :)  Once it switches on, it gets you easier to feel more strength in your body & mind.  It’s not going to happen only overnight.  It will take time to back up your great body system.   Maybe trial and error… for some people or otherwise highway to heaven :) How?

結局のところ、一寸先は、何が起こるかわかりません。不意の事故にあってもうだめではないかと思える怪我を負うこともあるかもしれません。そんな時、手術をして命を救うのもお医者さん。一分を争う瞬間に重大な判断をするのもお医者さん。大切な存在です。しかし、日常生活の本質を単純に捉えてみると、どうだろうか? 未然に防いだり、身近で簡単にできる事をしていくほうが先決なのではないかと思います「自身では気づいていなからこそ、健康管理のアドバイスや予防策を与えてくれる存在がもっと必要なってくるのではないかと思います。実際、この先、世界は高齢社会になります。それに加えて病気ではなくても、ストレスを受けやすい人々が増えている昨今。メンタルな面でサポートできる存在も必要になってきます。。「私達が病気にならない」とはどういう事なのだろうか? それは単純に、「私達が体と精神を良い状態に保つことができる」という事です。お医者さんに行くのは、ある種の習慣のようなもの。長年つちかった習慣を変えるのはそんな簡単な事ではないです。ただ、今この瞬間に「自然治癒力って何?」「ちょっと知ってみたい気がするなぁ。」と思う事ができたら、今からでも遅くないです。この段階で自然治癒力の機能がスイッチOnになってるはず:) 一旦、スイッチが入れば、もっと簡単にあなたの精神力がどんなに強いか感じる事ができます。一夜にしてYaayという訳にはいきませんが。時間はかかります。すばらしい人間の体のシステムを取り戻せる日がやってくるのを望んで。きっと試行錯誤もあることでしょう。さもなければ、Highway to Heaven :) かな? あっ、すいません、またマニアック。ところでどうやって? Highway to Heaven?

See you at the Entrance!  



Have a break :) Change the gear mode :)

ちょっとブレイク :) 気分を変えよう:)

Words from me: 私の格言

  • Museum has so much inspiration hidden. 
  • 博物館はインスピレーションの隠れた宝庫

My favorite scene from TV series “Battlestar Galactica” : TVシリーズ「Battlestar Galactica」より私のお気に入りのシーン

  • A woman soldier found an arrow of museum collections that tells a way to Earth.
  • 女性戦士が地球への道しるべとなる矢を博物館から発見する場面
  • How to find a way to Earth with the arrow & zodiac sculptures.
  • その矢と12正座の相応する彫刻像を使って地球への道を探す場面

Thursday 12 December 2013

Simple Greeting – シンプルにご挨拶

Dear folks,


>> How was the year 2013 for you?

>> 皆様、2013年はいかがでしたか?

|| (Pause)  

|| ?

>> “How was this year for me?”  This is my custom phrase towards the end of year.  This year has been very full color for me.  That’s what I really feel.  I don’t exactly remember what I did this time or that time and here or there.   I just feel as if I traveled in various dimensions.  For this reason, I may write this kind of journal at intervals to be able to know “Ah I was thinking like this or feeling like that…I was doing this or that…”  With all of your support, this space became a path to a junction so that people can pass through.  Arigato – gozaimasu :)  (Thank you)  I’m happy about that.  Also this space is a path to farm to slide 8 through 第10号?! that I can seed as I like and you can seed as you like.  Land is done already.  It is also you who seeds on the farm.  What will become of that?   
|| (Pause)  

>>「今年はどうだったかなぁ?」と問いかけるのは毎年恒例の事。どちらかというと、「色々な次元に旅したなぁ。」という感覚があります。そして、今年はカラフルな一年であったのだけを個人的に感じます。「あんな事したなぁ。」とか「こんな事したなぁ。」等は、ほとんど忘れてしまっている状態です。きっとその為にも、このブログで、書き物をしているのかもしれないですね。逆に「こんな事があったなぁ。」と後になって振り返る次第です。おかげ様で、このスペースが交差点 への小道:) になり、皆さんがスムーズに通り抜ける事ができるようになりました。改めて、お礼申し上げます。更に、このスペースはちょっとした四方山畑 (slide 8から第10号) への農道のようになりつつあります。「なんじゃそりゃ?」 好きなように種を植える事ができるような。畑はもう耕してあります。皆さんも種を好きなように植える事ができますよ。種は自分で植えて下さいね。何が育つのかな? 

|| ?

>> It turns out to be that my key words this year is “Past - Present - Future” & “Transition”.  More likely to say I had a lots of events to come across such a moment.  Or still I’m having this experience. One of my highlights is recent visit to Japan to attend memorial ceremony for my grandparents.  Actually what made me decide to visit Japan in a last moment was my grandmother.  Unexpectedly I had an interesting story of my grandfather related to “The spot that gets sunlight” just like “Oh I see.”  I also was surprised to know that he had chosen the color that I would also choose.  Just like a moment of connecting past for me.  All the story and gift passed on me was my treasure and I like to keep it in my mind for future.  It turns out to be that I have connected people one by one in unexpected way this year.  Suppose each person is a dot.   When I connect those dots by line, what a shape :)  It shapes like an amoeba :)  I’m happy about that.  We really don’t know “what will happen next moment”.  I myself have experienced that way.  Same old, I like to say again “keep the necessary with you for the new year.”  There is no same moment in life just like river. 

>> 気がついたら、私にとって今年のキーワードは「過去、現在、未来」「移行、流動」。それらがちらつく出来事がたくさんありました。実は、今現在もかもしれません。一番のハイライトはまだ最近の出来事。日本滞在中での祖父母のお墓参り、そして祖母の十三回忌でした。実は、日本行きの最終決定を促したのはこの祖母の存在でした。そして滞在中、祖父にまつわる「お日さんがあたる所」の話を思わぬ耳にして、なるほどと思う事がありました。ついでに、私が選ぶであろう色を、まさに祖父が選んでいた事を知り、改めて驚いた次第です。過去が結びつく瞬間でした。将来にむけての、不思議な巡り合わせでした。これも宝の思いとして胸に大事に刻んでいきたいと思います。更に今年は、予想外な人とのつながり方をしました。1人の人を点に例えてみます。その点たちを線で結んでみると。。。なんだろう? このラインは。なんだか、アメーバのようです:) もちろん嬉しいですが。本当に、「次の瞬間何が起こるかわからない」というのは納得です。私にとっては常の事なのですが。昨年の挨拶の言葉と変わらぬメッセージになります。やはり「あなたにとって大事なものをしっかり胸に刻んで新年にのぞみましょう」人生は川と同じで、一瞬たりとも同じ瞬間はないなぁ。なんて改めて実感する今日この頃です。

>> It’s time to go.  It’s time for me to spend with family.  I wish you a happy new year 2014. 

>> それでは、そろそろ、おいとまさせて頂きます。家族と共に過ごす時間です。「2014年、皆様にとってhappyな年になりますように」私から、ささやかにお祈り申し上げます。

Himi Ko :)

Thursday 5 December 2013

Silent Night - 静寂

Moment of silent with extreme temparture. "How is it?" "That must be pretty freezing...bruuu" Yes it is:)

Then walking in that freezing condition. "How is it?" "That must be pretty crazy. Yes it is:)

I sometimes enjoy "Serenity" whatever situation I am in. "How do you translate the word "Serenity" into your feeling?  It depends on you.  The answer is within yourself. 

Light - Hikari No Okurimono Edmonton Alberta Legislature.




Wednesday 4 December 2013

Behind a main road in Edmonton - 道路で働く裏方さん in Edmonton

Huge snow fall...Extreme weather conditions...that's quite normal in Edmonton while transportation network is working as usual even if a slow pace.  Thanks to them:) staff working night time with light. 


Tuesday 3 December 2013