Friday 19 July 2013

Essence - エッセンス

"Munching foods... Mmm yummy~~~", "Sitting in hot tab... Ah~~~", "Sleeping... Zzz~~~".

This is one of my value set.  Let's say "Essence combo":) With this value set, basically I can live anywhere happily. Sun is shining these days.  I'm very happy to feel sunshine on my skin. I didn't go to beach and yet already my skin got tan enough?! Yay,I can accumulate Vitamin D.
あ~美味し~い。 あ~いい湯だな。 ふ~おやすみ。


Monday 15 July 2013

Recycling - 再利用

"Oh I can use this glass jar for ..." "Oh I can use this box to put"  I have a habbit of collecting stuffs, especially something that would come in handy in kitchen.


Just like this.

I'll introduce some of jar with its ID picture.
Vinegar based sauce
Almost gone... I'll make another soon.

Aonori (often used for Okonomiyaki)

Dressing manual shaker:
just mix everything here and shake it
 and keep it with a lid.
Anytime it can go to recycling box too.

Miso base sauce

Other than that, oil with herb or garlic, soy sauce base or etc...Once you make your favorite base, it will be easy later.  Just pour it or add some spice or accent if you like when cooking.  After several times of use, maybe when another used glass is ready, it's time to go to the recycling box.

Pickles, chili powder,'s also good to use recycling jar for something with a strong aroma.



Saturday 13 July 2013

Check, Wave, Go! - お買い物時はWave & Go!

From PIN number through chip... Now wave is going to be in a main stream.  Recently this kind of function is becoming normal everywhere with debit card, credit card and mobile phone. Time has been changing.

The benefit of this function is fast, secure and convenient.  I normally don't like one with so many functions which are all similar also one with bad assembling.  User friendly is best.  I just need a necessary one.  Simple is best.  However I think what I put value most on it is "Secure".

Since I might be the one...
who bring grocery stuffs back to home and leave the card behind at checkout, if bunch of bags there:)
Oops! I would be most insecure:)

With wave, card never leaves your hand since no swiping on the machine. Just scan it by waving. This applies to only amount less than $50 after Tax. So you have still chance to use brain to remember your PIN number as well.  It reminds me of Japanese Icoca or Pitapa or Suica or something like this which is commuter pass.

暗証番号、そしてチップ。その次はPitapa やicocaやsuicaみたいにかざすだけでできる銀行デビットカードや、クレジットカードが増えた事ですね。きっと他にも日本ではあるはずですが、すいません私はちょっとその辺ついていってません。ところで、私も今まで、そのような機能にすごい感動を覚えたわけでもなかったのですが、やはり、ひとつだけ良いなぁ。と思えるポイントがありました。




Sunday 7 July 2013

Value Set - 価値観

Value Set at a hamburger shop is also good sometimes. Now I'm talking about one of my value set of relationships. Social media is handy for sure and yet I still like a classic style. It's because there are more people in my relationships who don't really use social media.

I have lots of super man and woman around me through my path. (Well if I say lots... that would be a couple or more.)  I'm the one who is pretty silly in daily life:)  Soon one of them is coming. I onetime introduced her with this clock in this blog winter time.

Her initial is also S.S. She is super woman for me who is tour escorting people around the world. I've heard about both hard and happy stories from her.  She is humble saying "I'm still not enough."  Or just her nature makes her say so.  However, I have been seeing her upgrading every year.  And this year is so remarkable. I personally like to say Wow.  But what we talk whenever we meet is silly stuff:) We are just folks.

"Once in 3 months or sometimes longer?" "That less?" This is how often we contact each other by e-mail only. Of course, when the time to meet is closer, more often to contact.  This is also part of who I am in nature. Where we met was not in Japan. We have been doing jam-traveling all our lives. Another jam in Edmonton will come true soon.


この彼女とは、長年のつきあい。ソシアルメディアでもつなっがてないし、メールも本当に3ヶ月に1回のペースかな? へたしたら、もっと間隔があくかも。もちろん、会う間際はもう少し密な頻度になりますが。

これを聞くと、えっ?! と思う方もいらっしゃるのでは。しかしながら、本来、私もこういう人間だと思っていただきたく存じます。とはいえ、彼女の場合は忙しいからなんですが。知り合ったのが、実は日本ではなく。。。S.Sのイニシャルを持つこの彼女とは数々のジャム旅行を気が付いたらあちこちでしてきました。そして今年ここエドモントンでもまたまた実現。